C.B. Constantini Ltd.
- Milling/Processing Services & Products
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
- Primary Phone: 6046691212
- Fax: 6046894145
Registered to buy oats in:
Alberta, Saskatchewan- Primary Email: buyers@cbconstantini.com
Grain Saint Laurent
Location: Montreal, Quebec
- Primary Phone: 5148712037
- Fax: 5148719316
Registered to buy oats in:
Alberta, Saskatchewan- Primary Email: info@slgrain.com
- Primary Phone: 5148712037
SureSource Commodities
Location: Petrolia, Ontario
- Primary Phone: 8666975960
Registered to buy oats in:
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan- Primary Email: steve@suresourceorganics.com
- Primary Phone: 8666975960
Westaqua Commodity Group Ltd. (buying in AB, SK & MB)
Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia
- Primary Phone: 8669883833
- Fax: 6049883850
Registered to buy oats in:
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan- Primary Email: laj@westaqua.com
- Primary Phone: 8669883833