POGA and the provincial oat commissions fund many different organizations, and not all of them are represented here.
AG FOR LIFE (AB): The Ag for Life School Oats Program has received an overwhelming response in the short time that it was promoted. Schools from all over Alberta have taken a proactive step towards ensuring that their students have access to a balanced meal for the day ahead. Read the 2024 highlights
AG IN THE CLASSROOM (MB): MOGA annually supports the in-school nutrition program. Read the 2024 School Program Report. Be sure to check out the photos and teachers’ quotes, as these highlight the success of the program!
AG IN THE CLASSROOM (SK): Ag in the Classroom completed their Teacher Expedition, where twenty six teachers from across Saskatchewan joined the two tours where SK agriculture was proudly showcased. The Expedition was an overall success and the attending teachers have new information, skills, and resources to share with their students and teaching community. Read the Full Report here. SaskOats also annually supports an in-school nutrition program. In 2024, they partnered with Bob’s Red Mill. This 2024 Nutrition Support Bursary Report highlights how successful this program has become. Be sure to check out the teachers’ quotes scattered throughout the report, as these illustrate the impact the program has at the individual schools.
BeGrainSafe: The Prairie Oat Growers Association has been a proud sponsor of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association since 2016.
As a national, non-profit organization, CASA promotes farm safety in the agricultural sector. CASA works with partners in government, business, and farming organizations across the country to support initiatives that equip producers, their families and their workers with the information and tools needed to make farms a safe place to live, work and play. CASA’s BeGrainSafe program, which was launched in 2017 in response to increased grain entrapment fatalities, works to heighten awareness and provide training regarding the hazards associated with grain. Sponsorship of the program included supporting the fourth annual BeGrainSafe Week and the BeGrainSafe Trailer which travels the country providing training for Fire Rescue personnel and BeGrainSafe awareness.
In 2024, The BeGrainSafe Trailer travelled across the country from Alberta all the way to Prince Edward Island and the Maritimes, where we provided awareness training for the first time. Over 500 firefighters were trained on specific safety and rescue procedures to increase their chances of a successful grain entrapment rescue while keeping members of their department safe. Training took place in 19 different locations across the country.
BeGrainSafe Week raises awareness about the dangers associated with grain, grain handling, grain storage and more. The BeGrainSafe webpage includes resources for both the general public and the media. All resources, stories, and infographics are available to print and share to help raise awareness about grain safety. For more information, visit casa-acsa.ca/BeGrainSafe. Keep checking the website for the 2025 BeGrainSafe week and travelling trailer route and locations!
FARM AND FOOD CARE SK: SaskOats supports Farm and Food Care’s Meals from the Farm Program.
Read the 2023 program highlights here. View their “Virtual Chicken Barn Tour” here.
Also, launched in 2019, Farm and Foodcare’s national outreach initiative, Canadian Food Focus, represents all sectors of agriculture across Canada, focusing on the topic that matters most to consumers: food. Through its website, social media channels, farm tours, and influencer community, Canadian Food Focus is making a real impact.
The results speak for themselves, with 500,000 to 800,000 engagements each month, 350,000 video views, and a 250% annual increase in followers since 2020.
To learn more and watch the Farmers Have a Story to Tell videos, see: https://canadianfoodfocus.org/for-our-partners
The agricultural industry needs to reach even more Canadians, and we can do it together. Please share this with your network or contact Dorothy Long or Penny Eaton to book a presentation and find out how you can get involved. dorothy@canadianfoodfocus.org | penny@canadianfoodfocus.org
Follow them on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/canadian-food-focus/
Help spread the word!
GREAT TASTES OF MANITOBA (GTOM): Oat recipes were featured on GTOM! Check out the Great Tastes of Manitoba website for many tasty recipes, including: Honey Oat Sandwich Loaf, Strawberry Coconut Energy Balls, and Lentil Soda Bread.
GTOM Episodes featuring oats can be seen in: “Lunch Box Baking” and “Brunch Baking to Share“.
The November 18, 2023 Season 34, Episode 11, Better with Beans, also featured the recipe White Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies, which includes oats.
Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP): SaskOats is an Associate member of STEP, which works to increase Saskatchewan’s export activities while raising awareness of Saskatchewan’s distinct products and service. Click here for more information about STEP.
POGA, and many other agricultural organizations, are supporting the Extended Interswitching campaign, which is working to support and extend the pilot trial for extended interswitching measures passed in Bill C-47 (2023).
In addition to background information, the campaign’s website includes Myths and Facts, presenting some of the arguments made against interswitching and providing the rationale for extending interswitching Canada.
For more information, go to: https://interswitching.ca/
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAMS FOR PRODUCERS: POGA and the commissions support Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program and AgKnow (Alberta). Click on the program names to go to their websites. In addition, SaskAgMatters Mental Health Network Inc. is available for Saskatchewan producers.
POGA’S SUPPORT FOR ORGANIC OAT PRODUCERS: If you grow organic oats, rest assured that money from the oat growers is being used to move ALL oat producers forward. In addition to support for projects that help all producers (breeding and marketing work, for example), POGA supported the organic breeding program through the organic cluster until it was cut by AAFC. Currently, POGA is funding the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Organic Science Cluster project, administered by Organic Federation of Canada, and led by Dr. Martin Entz, called Long-term C and N20 monitoring, and climate-smart management of organic grain production systems.
OTHER VALUABLE SUPPORTED RESOURCES: POGA and the commissions have supported many projects that benefit producers. Click this link for other Tools and Reference Materials (Seed Guides, Seed Surveys, producer calculators, and much more). Also, a wealth of information can be found on the Research Projects page.