Oat Lodging: Identifying key root and shoots traits for improved standability

This project will evaluate root system architecture in oat cultivars which vary in lodging resistance. It will evaluate stem and root lodging in field trials; assess impact of seeding rate on key stem and root lodging-related traits; assess the correlation between various root phenotyping methods; and compare root system architecture between Canadian oat germplasm and a diverse set of oat germplasm.   Lodging and mechanical failure of the stem or root system is a significant issue for oats, leading to yield reductions for producers. Identifying root and stem traits important for lodging resistance will lead to enhancements in breeding cultivars with high standability. This project is co-funded by the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund (ADF).

Progress Report: June 2023

Project Details

  • Listing ID: 4493
  • Project Status In Progress
  • Principal Investigators Dr. Aaron Beattie, CDC
    Dr. Allan Feurtado, NRC
  • Projects With Results Projects with Results
  • Project Dates April 2022 – March 2025
  • Abstract/Summary This project will evaluate root system architecture in oat cultivars which vary in lodging resistance. It will evaluate stem and root lodging in field trials; assess impact of seeding rate on key stem and root lodging-related traits; assess the correlation between various root phenotyping methods; and compare root system architecture between Canadian oat germplasm and a diverse set of oat germplasm. Lodging and mechanical failure of the stem or root system is a significant issue for oats, leading to yield reductions for producers. Identifying root and stem traits important for lodging resistance will lead to enhancements in breeding cultivars with high standability. This project is co-funded by the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund (ADF).