Oat Levy and Where Your Dollars Go
As of August 1, 2024, a 75 cent per tonne (about 1 cent per bushel) levy on Alberta produced oats is collected by buyers at the time of sale and then forwarded to AOGC.
Without farmer support for the Alberta Oat Growers Commission (AOGC), Saskatchewan Oat Development Commission (SaskOats), and Manitoba Oat Growers Association (MOGA) there is no opportunity to leverage government and industry support for research and marketing.
Since 2008 (and as of 2024), prairie oat growers and the three provincial commissions (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) have turned $5.7M levy dollars into $41.1M for research and marketing projects. This means growers in Western Canada have contributed less than 15 cents of every dollar spent on these project.
Typically, the oat commissions fund about 30 different oat projects to promote new markets, develop better varieties, and test agronomic practices. The full list of POGA supported projects is available under Research and Market Development at poga.ca
*POGA is 100% funded by the three provincial commissions and the board is made up of only producer (no industry) members. Therefore, whenever a project is funded by POGA it is funded by all oat growers in Western Canada who leave their check-off dollars with their provincial commission. For more information about POGA and all the member benefits provided through this cooperative structure, please go to the About POGA page.
Producer Levy Volunteer Payment Form
We realize there are some producer-to-producer oat sales or sales to companies that did not collect the check-off/levy on your behalf. If you wish to support your organization with your check-off dollars, please complete the Producer Levy Volunteer Payment Form (xlsx, 82 kB) and mail it with your cheque for the check-off/levy not paid. The oat growers greatly appreciate your support.
Please e-mail info@poga.ca to receive refund request forms. NOTE: The deadline to submit refund requests for period one is February 28 (for oats sold during August 1-January 31) and deadline to submit for period two is August 31 (for oats sold from February 1-July 31). Also in your email, please mention the province you grow/sell oats in – each province has a specific form.
You may submit your refund request any time during the specified period, but by no later than the deadline date. Ensure you use the same name/company name that is on the tickets (if you sell under multiple names, a request form is needed for each name). You do not need to send copies of the sales tickets; the automated system matches producer name to all buyer-submitted transactions made during the specified period.
PLEASE ENSURE you are using the most recent form. The newest version was produced in 2024. Any old forms (with the old logo on it) will not be accepted after August 31, 2025; if we receive your request on an old form, we will notify you and attach the most recent form, requesting you resubmit your request using the proper form. Simply email info@poga.ca to request the most recent version if you are unsure which version you may be using now.
Producer Consent Form
This is another benefit and reason to leave your levy dollars with the commission! The Producer Consent Form allows POGA to provide members’ contact information to customers sourcing oats: go to Producer Consent Form and fill out and submit the form.
*Note: Oat producers should always check their grain tickets to ensure that the appropriate levy has been assessed.