Completed Research

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Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Multiple projects/principals
  • Project Dates: Spanning 2016 through 2024
  • Abstract/Summary: POGA has compiled a handout of all supported nitrogen-related projects completed (as of June/24). This is a quick-reference document to provide producers with a listing and brief description of each project, and links to their reports.
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Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Bill May, Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation (IHARF)
  • Project Dates: May 2016 - Febuary 2017
  • Abstract/Summary: This project aimed to: 1) validate, under local conditions, research showing that oat requires moderate amounts of N and that test weight declines as N rate is increased; 2) expose growers to new oat cultivars that may be better than cultivars currently grown in the trial area; and, 3) determine if the test weight of current oat cultivars vary in the stability of their test weight as the N rate is increased. Four oat cultivars were chosen specific to each location (two popular and two new cultivars with potential). N rates used (kg N/ha): 40, 60, 80, and 120.
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Research Topic: Nutrition/Product Creation

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Dr. Lingyun Chen at the University of Alberta
  • Project Dates: July 2016-June 2019
  • Abstract/Summary: The project focused on the development of a ready-to-drink oat-based beverage that is fortified with omegas, vitamin D, and other nutritional ingredients that are essential to the diet of cancer patients. The objectives of the project are:

    1. Develop a processing to concentrate protein and beta-glucan from oat grains
    2. Develop a ready-to-drink beverage enriched in beta-glucan and protein by combining oat and pulse and determine if this development results in shelf-stable products
    3. Enhance the beverage with nutrients known to be deficient in cancer patients (omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D) and study the acceptability of the beverage with the cancer patients.
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Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Mike Hall
  • Project Dates: April 1, 2023 – Feb 28, 2024
  • Abstract/Summary: This project aims to determine the yield and test weight response of oats to 15% and 30% reductions in optimum rates of N. The specific rates of soil plus fertilizer N tested will be 125 lb/ac, 106 lb/ac, 88 lb/ac and no applied N. Two varieties of oats will be used in this project – CS Camden and CDC Arborg.
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Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Abstract/Summary: This survey provides a record of seed-borne pathogen trends in pulse and cereal crops and allows for continued tracking of diseases over time. The interim seed quality data, from the time of harvest until the end of December, provided early insights into seed quality trends and helped to identify potential pathogens of concern and their prevalence across the province.

    The survey is intended to provide a benchmark for annual seed-borne pathogen levels across the province. Low disease levels of seed produced during 2021 has been a positive outcome of a challenging growing season.  Largely attributed to extreme drought conditions during the growing season and at the time of harvest, interim data indicates a large proportion of pathogen-free pulse (lentil, field pea, chickpea) and cereal (barley, durum, oat, and spring wheat) seed.

    The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture compiled the maps, which show the mean infection levels of the samples as well as the historical trends across all pathogens and crops.

    This project was funded by the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG), Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (SaskWheat), Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission (SaskBarley), and Saskatchewan Oat Development Commission (SaskOats)
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Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Paul Bullock (University of Manitoba) and Randy Kutcher (University of Saskatchewan)
  • Project Dates: April 2018 - March 2023
  • Abstract/Summary: Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a fungal disease affecting cereal crops in Canada that reduces productivity and produces mycotoxins in the grain. This fungal disease is caused by a number of Fusarium species of which Fusarium graminearum is considered the most important because of its abundance, its toxin producing ability and its impact on grain quality and yield. Currently the most important practices recommended to cereal growers for FHB management include non-host crops in the rotation, resistant cultivars, and application of fungicides.

    Cultural management of FHB of cereals, in particular crop rotation or the sequence of crops grown, can play a major role in an integrated management approach to FHB (Gilbert and Haber 2013), as well as many other pest and agronomic issues. However, there are no studies in Canada that clearly indicate the impact on FHB of various cereals due to the previous crop(s) cultivated.

    The goal of this research is to improve yield and quality in Canada through the implementation of effective crop sequences to mitigate FHB.
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Research Topic: Intercropping/Other

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Abstract/Summary: The Government of Saskatchewan, The Government of Manitoba, The Government of Canada and POGA combined efforts in this report to look at barriers to entry and opportunities for oats in Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) countries as well as China.
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Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Sheryl A. Tittlemier, Richard Blagden, Jason Chan, Mike Roscoe, Kerri Pleskach
  • Abstract/Summary: This project was a collaborative venture with funding contributed by the Canadian Grain Commission, the Prairie Oat Growers Association, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, and the Canada-Saskatchewan Growing Forward 2 bi-lateral agreement.
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Research Topic: Variety/Trials

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Dr. Chris Willenborg, Dr. Nancy Ames, Eric Johnson, Moria Kurtenbach, Sid Darras
  • Project Dates: May 1, 2016 to December 1, 2019
  • Abstract/Summary: Applying glyphosate or swathing at or above 50% SMC has negative effects on seed quality and therefore end use capabilities. When treatments were swathed at or above 60%, there is a risk that beta-glucan levels can drop below 3%, the percentage groat will decline, which ultimately impacts milling yield and increases the amount of wastage during the milling process. Compared to direct combining without glyphosate, there appears to be no effect on oat quality when glyphosate is applied ≤40% SMC. Across all site years, oat cultivar did not have as much of an impact as the other two factors (i.e. seeding rate and harvest method) did. Increasing seeding rates resulted in a reduction in SMC at harvest, lower TKWs, and softer groats. Overall Pinnacle was less affected by changes in harvest method in regards to percent plump and thin kernels. CDC Dancer had an increase in thin kernels and a decrease in plump kernels when plots were swathed. Using glyphosate as a harvest method has no more of a negative impact than swathing on oat yield or seed quality, regardless of seeding rate or cultivar used. It is plausible that pre-harvest glyphosate had a greater impact on perennial weed control than in-season herbicides used. Dandelion populations were generally higher when a post-emergent herbicide was used alone. View the PDF below for final report.
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Research Topic: Variety/Trials

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Xiao Qiu
  • Abstract/Summary: Avenanthramides are a group of N-cinnamolyanthranilic acids comprising anthranilic acid and cinnamic acid connected by an amide linkage with health-promoting properties mainly found in oat (Avena sativa L.). In this research, avenanthramide A, B and C (Avn-A, B and C), the three most abundant avenanthramides (Avns) in oat, were identified and quantified from oat varieties. Subsequently, in vitro antioxidant activities of oat extracts and Avn-A, B and C were evaluated, and Avn-C had the highest in vitro antioxidant activity among the three avenanthramides. To investigate the cytoprotective activity of Avns, normal human skin fibroblasts (2DD) were treated with Avn C followed by exposure to extracellular stress and its ability to reduce cellular damage was determined. Pre-treatment of cells with Avn-C reduced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress significantly as demonstrated by decreased intracellular free radical levels and antioxidant gene transcripts. Avn-C pre-treatment also resulted in decreased levels of gene transcripts encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to H2O2 or tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) stimulation. This reduction in cytokine gene transcription occurred concomitantly with reduced phosphorylated nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p65, indicating reduced pro-inflammatory response. To better understand the mechanisms of actions, the impact of Avn-C on cellular signaling pathways was investigated on Avn C-treated 2DD cells without exposure to stress. Avn-C was found to induce heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression through increased DNA-Nrf2 binding activity. Also, it reduced basal levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines through decreased DNA-NF-κB binding activity. Moreover, anti-proliferative effect of Avn C on 2DD cells was observed via mechanisms independent of autophagy activation. Collectively, our findings suggest that Avn-C protects normal human skin fibroblasts against oxidative stress and inflammatory response through Nrf2/HO-1 activation and NF-κB inhibition.
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Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Abstract/Summary: Over the four years (2014-2017) that field surveys were conducted in commercial oat fields to evaluate the prevalence of oat leaf blotch pathogens P. avenae was the most often identified, being present in 59% of the 160 fields surveyed. Cochliobolus sativus was present in 23% of surveyed fields while S. avenae was only identified in 3% of fields. The ranking prevalence of these pathogens was consistent across all four years and differs from prior surveys conducted where S. avenae was observed in all years and with greater prevalence than C. sativus in most years (2011-2013).
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Research Topic: Nutrition/Product Creation

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Principal Investigators: Dr. Lingyun Chen, University of Alberta
  • Project Dates: January, 2016 - December, 2017
  • Abstract/Summary: Oats is the logical choice to development of a non-dairy creamer. Oats have functional/nutrition proteins, they have high levels of beta glucan, and they can be utilized fairly well in beverage applications. Compared to faba bean, canola, and an oat/faba bean protein blend, oat proteins were shown to be the most suitable choice to replace dairy and soy proteins within a coffee creamer.
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