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Research Topic: Oat Breeding
- Project Status: In Progress
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Jaswinder Singh, McGill University
- Project Dates: January 2023 - January 2026
Project Lead Dr. Jaswinder Singh (McGill Department of Plant Science) is working with collaborators Dr. Nick Tinker, Wubishet Bekele, Kirby Nilsen, and Jean-Sebastien Parent.
The objectives of this project are:
Identification of regulatory sequences in the identified gene/chromosome region, and refining of gene editing in oat.
Development of specific CRISPR constructs.
Transformation of the said constructs into oat for developing mutant lines.
Genotypic and phenotypic screening of oat mutant lines.
This work could help zero in on problems faced by Prairie oat growers. Oats grow well on the Canadian prairies, but even varieties that flower and mature early can be susceptible to lower yield and disease risk. If CRISPR modifications can produce reliable DNA editing that can predict the influence on all traits, then in the future oat breeders* could engineer superior germplasm by modifying a single specific gene that would help producers harness the crop's biological potential. *Note: If there is a desire by both producers and oat buyers for use of the technology in oats.
Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment
- Project Status: Completed
- Principal Investigators: Multiple projects/principals
- Project Dates: Spanning 2016 through 2024
- Abstract/Summary: POGA has compiled a handout of all supported nitrogen-related projects completed (as of June/24). This is a quick-reference document to provide producers with a listing and brief description of each project, and links to their reports.
Research Topic: Nutrition/Product Creation
Dried Oat Oil Emulsion Powders Stabilized by Oat Hull-Derived Nanocellulose
- Project Status: In Progress
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Emily Cranston, University of British Columbia
- Project Dates: 2024
This project will aim to contribute to the development of novel oat oil emulsions (wet) and oat oil powders (dry), which could be suitable for food/beverage, personal care and cosmetics, and household product development. These new products would extend the shelf-life of oat oils (and products made from them), which would enable cost savings for transportation and logistics management to move them to processing facilities.
The objective of this study is to explore the isolation of cellulose-based nanomaterials from oat hulls and to use these as stabilizers in dried oat oil powders and oat milk powders.
Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds
The Prairie Weed Monitoring Network (PWMN): Building a Strong Biovigilance Foundation
- Project Status: In Progress
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Charles Geddes
- Project Dates: 2023 – 2028
As every farmer knows, weeds are one of the major pests on farms. That’s why POGA has agreed to help fund a project to monitor new weeds and herbicide resistance on current weeds in western Canada so hopefully producers, scientists and chemical companies can stay ahead of the curve.
Objectives are to:
- Establish the Prairie Weed Monitoring Network (PWMN), a network of federal researchers, provincial specialists, and academics guiding weed biovigilance for the prairie region.
- Complete the seventh set of weed abundance surveys in the prairie provinces since this series of provincial surveys began in the mid-1970s.
- Complete the fifth set of pre-harvest herbicide-resistant weed surveys in the prairie provinces since this series of provincial resistance surveys began in the early-2000s.
- Complete the third set of post-harvest herbicide-resistant kochia and Russian thistle surveys in the prairie provinces since this set of provincial surveys began in the early-2010s.
- Complete a spatial risk assessment for the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds in prairie cropping systems by integrating data from weed surveys, species-specific biology, cropping systems, and herbicide sales/use.
- Develop tools to forecast weed community behaviour and range shifts in response to management factors and climate change.
This project aims to develop the Prairie Weed Monitoring Network (PWMN) and to implement a
comprehensive weed biovigilance strategy, including: weed monitoring, risk assessment, and
forecasting for the prairie region of Canada. It will include detailed assessments of (i) weed
abundance in 4000 fields, (ii) herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds pre-harvest in 800 fields, and (iii)
HR kochia and Russian thistle post-harvest in 800 fields, across the prairie provinces. These data,
and those of past surveys, will be leveraged along with other open data resources to conduct
spatial risk analyses for the evolution of HR weed biotypes of greatest concern and where they are
most likely to occur, in addition to the development of a tool to forecast weed community shifts in
response to management factors and climate change. Overall, this coordinated suite of objectives
will provide farmers, agronomists, agricultural industry, researchers, and policy makers with
information required to manage weeds effectively, anticipate new weed threats to farming
systems, and mitigate selection pressure for HR weeds.
Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment
- Project Status: Completed
- Principal Investigators: Bill May, Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation (IHARF)
- Project Dates: May 2016 - Febuary 2017
- Abstract/Summary: This project aimed to: 1) validate, under local conditions, research showing that oat requires moderate amounts of N and that test weight declines as N rate is increased; 2) expose growers to new oat cultivars that may be better than cultivars currently grown in the trial area; and, 3) determine if the test weight of current oat cultivars vary in the stability of their test weight as the N rate is increased. Four oat cultivars were chosen specific to each location (two popular and two new cultivars with potential). N rates used (kg N/ha): 40, 60, 80, and 120.
Research Topic: Nutrition/Product Creation
- Project Status: Completed
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Lingyun Chen at the University of Alberta
- Project Dates: July 2016-June 2019
The project focused on the development of a ready-to-drink oat-based beverage that is fortified with omegas, vitamin D, and other nutritional ingredients that are essential to the diet of cancer patients. The objectives of the project are:
1. Develop a processing to concentrate protein and beta-glucan from oat grains
2. Develop a ready-to-drink beverage enriched in beta-glucan and protein by combining oat and pulse and determine if this development results in shelf-stable products
3. Enhance the beverage with nutrients known to be deficient in cancer patients (omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D) and study the acceptability of the beverage with the cancer patients.
Research Topic: Fertility/Climate/Environment
- Project Status: Completed
- Principal Investigators: Mike Hall
- Project Dates: April 1, 2023 – Feb 28, 2024
- Abstract/Summary: This project aims to determine the yield and test weight response of oats to 15% and 30% reductions in optimum rates of N. The specific rates of soil plus fertilizer N tested will be 125 lb/ac, 106 lb/ac, 88 lb/ac and no applied N. Two varieties of oats will be used in this project – CS Camden and CDC Arborg.
Research Topic: Insect/Disease/Weeds
- Project Status: In Progress
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Thomas Turkington
- Project Dates: April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2028
The goal is to further develop and formalize the Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network (PCDMN), including annual in-person and/or online meetings. The group also will look to further develop and refine survey protocols, and continue work on disease information and awareness initiatives for a wider range of crops and diseases.
The PCDMN Quick Disease Reporter Tool will be refined, and work will be done to develop disease assessment and risk assessment tools, as well as blackleg pathogen mapping. The network is also continuing their weekly cereal rust risk forecasts from mid-May to early June; new for 2023 is the addition of oat crown rust.